Our data lineage tool

Regulatory requirements around data are becoming ever-more stringent.

Challenges include ensuring:

  • Data accuracy and integrity
  • Appropriate data architecture and governance processes
  • Effective and timely reporting

Understanding critical data elements, and how they are derived, is imperative for firms to meet regulatory requirements. We offer a technical solution that facilitates data lineage from approved data sources within corporate functions. If you need to understand and manage your data, respond to regulatory requests in a timely manner, reduce manual intervention or facilitate audit ability and traceability, our data lineage tool can help.

A close-up image of a man typing on his laptop.

Our two-part solution

Image showing three employees looking at a report on paper.


Optimisation and standardisation of manual calculations to enable data lineage to be captured.

A close-up image of a man typing on his laptop.


Data lineage relational database tool to effectively and efficiently capture, manage and report complex data lineages from source to target.

Key functionality

Image showing the gherkin and other London buildings. with a cloudy sky above.
  • Ability to capture and manage metadata for all data elements used to calculate critical business elements. Including the source to target mapping needed to understand lineage
  • Enhanced security: Four levels of access with automated authentication
  • Comprehensive audit trail
  • Reporting capability: Run pre-defined reports or create new reports tailored to the user’s needs
  • Export to Excel functionality to enable further manipulation of data
  • Multi-user capability
  • Automated pre-population of specific data elements to increase speed and efficiency
  • Built-in data quality checks and form validation to ensure data accuracy and integrity
  • Tabbed interface for ease of navigation and maintenance
  • Automated backup capability
  • ‘Tooltips’ to assist users in understanding specific data elements and enhance our tool’s usability and efficiency


"The team from Holley Holland totally revolutionised the way we use data within our organisation. We’re now able to fully understand the role of data within our processes, and most importantly, how to monetise it."


Client Business

Our approach to delivery

Agility, innovation, start-up mind-set and client-centricity are integral to our development approach.

Our consultant developers are generalised specialists who work across thefull tech stack – front end, middleware and back end. Our team becomes part of the team within your organisation, working collaboratively to understand your greatest challenges and responding quickly. They work with you to encourage and facilitate iterative feedback throughout the development cycle to ensure optimum solutions.

A close-up image of a man typing on his laptop.

Becoming digital is vital to enable organisations to connect with customers and deliver value – swiftly.

A close-up image of a man typing on his laptop.

Holley Holland works with organisations to transform their enterprises through technology, data and improved processes.

Offering new value to customers and improving business performance, utilising sophisticated technology and powered by our culture of rapid responsiveness.

We focus on four customer value dimensions: Business process, business model, domain, and culture. Identifying which aspect is most relevant to an organisation enables us to understand how best to facilitate digital transformation to impact business success.

A close-up image of a man typing on his laptop.

Customer focused

Our proprietary digital customer engagement platform, HUG HUB, provides a unique solution that allows insurance brokers and retailers to create a personalised consumer experience. Transforming customer interaction, driving better business performance and presenting a better service for your customers.

Image showing the gherkin and other London buildings. with a cloudy sky above.

The right team

Digital transformation requires a dedicated and talented team. Technology, data, and process experts who work together, to bring about change, united by a strong leader. Our specialist talent recruitment agency, McCabe and Barton, can assist with finding the people with the right skills and right ‘fit’ for your organisation.

A practitioner-led, outcome focused, global consultancy

When you engage with Holley Holland, you get more than just consultancy. You get true partnership with a committed team of experienced, knowledgeable and genuine professionals. People who have been in your shoes and understand the challenges you face. Our people are our strength.

Find out more about us

We have to tools to enable you to offer high quality, easy-to-use, consistent omni-channel customer-centric experiences.


Productivity improvements are made via the automation of repetitive tasks, increasing efficiency and accuracy.


We enable organisations to embrace collaboration and engagement between functions, starting as a top-down mandate and actively supported by every team member.


The solutions we implement favour simplified, modular, open architecture that maximises the use of APIs and accelerated data discovery tools.


To deliver efficient and cost effective solutions, we minimise the total number of people involved and maximise location contingencies and strategy.


Agile data governance operating models and rigorous risk frameworks are a key part of the design and implementation of our solutions, with regulatory compliance built in.


Improved MI allows organisations a clearer line of sight into areas for potential improvement and the creation of an engaging and resonant vision.


Quality metrics captured are aligned with target state processes and reportable at an individual level to support accountability and performance evaluation.

What are the key cyber security concerns faced by both the public and private sectors?

Data privacy and compliance

Navigating strict regulations and safeguarding sensitive financial information.

Fraud prevention

Combating fraudulent activities and protecting customer assets.

Insider threats in finance

Addressing risks posed by employees with access to critical financial data.

Highly targeted attacks

Protecting against advanced and targeted attacks aiming for financial gain.

Payment system security

Ensuring secure transactions and preventing unauthorized access.

Third-party risk management

Mitigating risks associated with vendors and partners in the financial ecosystem.

Market manipulation

Defending against cyber threats that could impact financial markets.

Blockchain security

Securing blockchain-based financial transactions and assets.

Regulatory compliance challenges

Adhering to financial industry regulations while adapting to evolving cyber threats.

Operational resilience

Maintaining uninterrupted services during cyber incidents to ensure financial stability.